Functional & Fabulous S3 E1: Travis Hess, CEO at BigCommerce - Big Fish, New Pond

Can this be right? A vendor as a guest? Yes, it is true. And a Big one too. Ger and Gordon are joined by Travis Hess, CEO of BigCommerce, to review the ecommerce platform landscape and discuss what the future holds. Frankly, is there life beyond Shopify? (Spoiler: Of course there is.)

Developments are coming thick and fast in ecommerce and commerce platforms are going to have to move quickly and nimbly to keep their business models relevant. Ger even uses the word 'disintermediation'. Travis gives his no-holds-barred views on the state of play and how he sees the way forward.

As a former agency head, Travis also contrasts his previous life with that of the CEO of a software company. And he offers some plain truths about the pickle many agencies find themselves in today.

It's fast, it's lively, it's open, it's honest. Welcome to Season 3 of Functional and Fabulous.


About Travis Hess

Travis is the Chief Executive Officer of BigCommerce. He joined the company as President in May 2024, bringing more than 15 years of senior leadership positions at top commerce agencies and consultancies including Accenture. Travis is responsible for leading BigCommerce’s global operations and for the overall success and growth of the business.

(, 2025)

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