Webinar - Product Innovation

In this blog post, we take a deep dive into our latest webinar, Product Innovation. We'll draw on the insights of Brad Kearns, StudioForty9’s Business Intelligence and Marketing Specialist who focuses on improving our clients data capture, pipelines and reporting.

We explored valuable integrations and extensions that have helped our clients fuel growth, foster omnichannel unity and drive conversions.

Connect to Customer Desire

The first part of the webinar showcases frontend products that connect your customer’s desires by bridging the gap between a browser and a purchaser. 

  • Dynamic Sections - Instead of the content being static, Dynamic Sections give you more flexibility over what content is being displayed. Content can be tailored to individual customers based on a range of criteria, connecting to customer’s desire for personalisationThere are various ways you can use dynamic sections throughout your storefront.
    • URL Parameter Based - This feature loads content sections based on the source of their click - the URL parameter and delivers personlised content to specific user groups. These can be used for displaying secret landing pages such as a sale or promotion to VIP customers, increasing conversions through exclusivity. 
    • LTV Customers Based - By creating segments in the admin of Shopify, you can offer customers a personlised homepage experience. An example of this is suggesting ‘some brand you might like’ or ‘jump back in’. 
    • AJAX-Loaded Sections - This functionality helps to improve website performance by reducing loading time. This ensures a better browsing experience for customers. Whether triggered by a click or timer, AJAX can show or hide sections providing endless possibilities for dynamic sections. 
  • Instant Add - Similar to a ‘quick add’ feature, Instant Add allows your customers to add a variant directly to their cart on the collection page. It can also be customised to include sizes, colours or other variations to make for easy and seamless browsing and shopping. This quick and simple feature reduces further friction in the conversion process connecting the customer’s desire for an easier shopping experience.  
  • Cross Sell - Setting up cross selling on your store can help increase order values. It is also beneficial for customers as they may not be aware that complimentary products exist and are being educated at the correct point in their customer journey when they may react positively and go on to purchase the associated product. This is set up by leveraging metafields to link related products or collections, ensuring your customers see curated suggestions at the point of purchase. 
  • Free Shipping Motivator - A free shipping motivator will incentivise customers to hit a target cart value so that they will receive free shipping. This is an advantage for retailers as it will increase average order values and boost cart activity. This feature will trigger messaging throughout your store as to how close a customer is to reaching the free shipping threshold. When the threshold is reached, users will get a nice message indicating their newly acquired bonus. The motivator can be strategically used across four key placements in your online store - the announcement bar, the product page, the cart drawer and the cart page. 

Foster Omnichannel Unity

The second part of the webinar showcased examples of omnichannel unity. These features use Orchestra, StudioForty9’s proprietary integration platform as a service (iPaaS) to connect our client tech stack and automate operation systems, data flows and processes. 

  • Omnichannel Gift Cards - Imagine being able to seamlessly use an in-store gift on your online checkout. With the use of Orchestra you can turn your  in-store gift cards into a Shopify gift card. This gives your customers more flexibility over how they use their gift cards, seamlessly bridging the gap between online and offline. 
  • Omnichannel Loyalty Integration - Also with the use of Orchestra, our clients have integrated their loyalty system with their online store. This unified the customer experience across channels by allowing them to earn and redeem reward points both in store and online. 
  • Email Omnichannel Integration - By integrating your instore retail management system - such as Orderite - with your emailing service - such as Yotpo or Klaviyo - you can now have more visibility on your in store customers. This further bridges the gap between data flows on what was otherwise an isolated data source.

Customise the Admin Experience

The final section of the webinar focuses on admin, an area that often gets overlooked. However, this can be an important focus for smoothness of business operations and cross-departmental communications. We take a look at some offerings StudioForty9 have implemented, with the help of Shopifys Admin UI extensions to make the administration cycle a little easier.  

  • Email Customer Invoice - This is a handy tool that can be quickly implemented to email a PDF invoice to a customer directly from inside their Shopify profile. 
  • Customer Draft Orders - The draft order actions allow the retailers to quickly select multiple products and specify a fulfilment date. This can then be sent to the customers through a unique checkout URL. A draft order can help increase the likelihood of an order being completed as it makes it easier for the customer to complete the order without having to manually add items to their cart. 
  • Order From Favourites - This action is useful if taking orders over the phone but can be beneficial in-store and online. Sales representatives have access to customers wishlists and can build an order from this. This means there is no need for customers to relay information verbally or via other means allowing a more efficient sales process and fewer mistakes. 
  • Request a Quote - In short this allows customers to request new prices for their cart within the cart page. This may be beneficial when a customer is doing a bulk buy and offers the possibility to request a quote for their order. The customer simply fills out a form and it generates a  draft order for the merchant which they can then choose to invoice at that price. 

You can watch the full webinar below or download the slides here. 



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