Top Takeaways from the 2024 Global SMS Report

Key Insights and Best Practices

In today's digital marketing environment, SMS marketing has emerged as a powerful tool for businesses to engage with their customers directly. The 2024 Global SMS Consumer Research report reveals crucial insights that can help brands optimise their SMS marketing strategies. We’ve read the report and have put together our top key insights and best practices to create impactful SMS campaigns that resonate with your audience and drive results.

1. SMS is More Than Discounts

Gone are the days when SMS was merely a channel for sending discount codes. Today's consumers expect more personalised and engaging content. Personalised messages, exclusive offers such as buy-one-get-one, exclusive access to sales and loyalty reward points, and conversational SMS are now essential for growing your SMS lists and driving engagement. By tailoring your messages to individual preferences, you can create a more meaningful connection with your audience.

2. Brand Loyalty Matters

Consumers prefer receiving SMS from brands they love and trust. This emphasises the importance of building strong brand relationships. When consumers feel a genuine connection with your brand, they are more likely to engage with your SMS messages and stay subscribed to your list. Therefore, fostering brand loyalty should be a key component of your overall marketing strategy.

3. Optimal Messaging Frequency

Finding the right balance in messaging frequency is crucial. The report indicates that consumers expect at least one SMS per week from brands they subscribe to. However, over-messaging can lead to unsubscribes. To maintain a healthy subscriber list, it's important to send messages that are not only timely but also relevant and valuable to your audience.

4. Preferred Message Types

Transactional, exclusive offers, and promotional messages are the most desired SMS content among consumers. Transactional messages, such as order and shipment confirmations, back-in-stock notifications and subscription reminders provide necessary information and build trust. Exclusive offers and promotions, on the other hand, create excitement and encourage immediate action. By focusing on these types of messages, you can meet consumer expectations and drive higher engagement.

5. Accelerated Purchasing

SMS marketing has a significant impact on consumer purchasing behaviour. The report highlights that SMS drives immediate purchase decisions, with many consumers buying products they were already considering.


Example of SMS Marketing


6. Increased Purchase Frequency

Additionally, SMS boosts repeat purchases, with a notable increase in consumers making multiple purchases through SMS. This demonstrates the effectiveness of SMS in retaining existing customers. 

7. Personalisation is Key

Personalisation plays a key role in the success of SMS campaigns. Tailored SMS messages based on individual preferences drive higher engagement and conversions. Consumers appreciate when brands take the time to understand their needs and interests. By leveraging data and insights, you can create personalised messages that resonate with your audience and enhance their overall experience.

8. Regional Differences

Consumer preferences and behaviours vary by region, requiring tailored SMS strategies. The report shows slight differences in SMS expectations across different regions. For instance, Europeans generally expect fewer messages per week compared to Americans and APAC consumers. Understanding these regional differences can help you customise your SMS campaigns to better meet the needs of your global audience.

9. Multi-Channel Approach

Combining SMS with email marketing can amplify the effectiveness of your campaigns. While SMS is great for time-sensitive information and immediate engagement, email provides more detailed content and broader marketing campaigns. By integrating these channels, you can create a cohesive and comprehensive marketing strategy that maximises your reach and impact.

10. Avoid Oversending and Irrelevant Content

Managing message frequency and relevance is crucial to maintaining a healthy subscriber list. Over-messaging and sending irrelevant content are among the primary reasons consumers unsubscribe from SMS lists. To avoid this, focus on delivering valuable and relevant content that aligns with your audience's interests and needs. Regularly review and adjust your messaging strategy based on consumer feedback and engagement metrics.


SMS marketing, when done right, can be a powerful tool to drive consumer engagement, accelerate purchases, and boost brand loyalty. By understanding consumer expectations and preferences, and implementing best practices such as personalisation, optimal messaging frequency, and a multi-channel approach, you can unlock the full potential of SMS marketing. Use these insights from the 2024 Global SMS Consumer Research report to refine your strategy and achieve greater success in your SMS campaigns.

Thinking of implementing an SMS strategy for your customers? Why not reach out to our marketing team who will be happy to discuss how SMS can help build stronger 1-to-1 relationships with your customers.

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